Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

In my perspective i think this documentary will most likely stay on my mind cause of the brutal scenes that took place in Germany. Images that will most likely stay in my mind will probably be when they where executing the Jews who tried to escape in the ghetto. They would just take any measures possible to make sure that all the Jews were dead. Another scene was when the Nazis were burning thousands of dead bodies, so much bodies that it was snowing ashes.
Schindler's list is better than night and fog in a way because it shows the emotion of the people, but these emotions are quickly shadowed by the footage of the real carnage caused by the holocaust which is shown in night and fog. Some scenes I will admit though are really strong. Like the scene were the little girl in the red dress is being carried to the giant pile of burning bodies.

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