Monday, April 19, 2010

"The Right Stuff"

In this film they showed the Space Race. It was part of the Cold War but it was about space. The Russians were the first to put a satellite in space. The US were the first to break the sound barrier. The US began to fear that the will control the whole world. The US said they had to get something up there. The Russians were the first to built a spaceship. The US began to get people the best astronaut so fly to space. They picked 7 astronauts out of 56 pilots. We had our crew but we need a spaceship. 1961 was when we built our spaceship and instead of sending the astronauts we sent a monkey.

The Russians were the first to sent a human to space. The US was so embarrassed about this we started to put so much money to NASA. The US started to faster the Russians. Farther then the Russians.We eventually beat them by sending Neil Armstrong to the moon. We won the Space Race against Russia.

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