Monday, September 21, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

Third planet from the sun: Believe it or not people weren't always smart. One fine example is the theory of geocentrism. The idea is that (get this) the earth is the center of the solar system. To no surprise the roman catholic church backed up this idea but then a man named Galileo Galilei came and said that heliocentrism is the right way to go (belief that we revolve around the solar system revolves around the sun). The church being its charming self put Galileo on trial they stated that he had violated the 1616 (so-called) injunction against teaching, holding, or writing about Copernican theory. Galileo and the church had two totally different views and the church being bigger won over Galileo and he was forced into house arrest. And that is the famous story of Heliocentrism.

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