Monday, September 21, 2009

Evolution V.S. Creation

Viva la Evolution:
The theory of evolution is the idea that all of life on earth today derives from a common ancestor, that all of us throughout the years have evolved to were we are now. The man that spear headed this idea was Charles Darwin. While on a trip to the Galapagos he noticed that the same finches had different beaks on every island. According to the theory of evolution we started off as simple cells and evolved from that.
The Creation of Creationism:
The theory of creationism is that god magically created the earth and all of its belongings in a mere 7 days. It is said that when he created earth he also made Adam but then Adam got lonely and a female companion named Eve was made. Then after thousands of years of reproduction societies formed and then etc.
In my Opinion:
I believe in Evolution. It just makes sense to me because God creating the world seems to not explain the different variations of animals. Also we have proof of our ancestors and of dinosaurs. We basically have a boat load of fossils and data that prove that we did have ancestors that we have evolved from. Creationism seems to lazy of an idea if you ask me but that's just my opinion.

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