Monday, September 21, 2009

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a method used to prove something in the scientific community. Basically its steps used to set up an experiment. If the experiment can be replicated with the same result then its considered a fact. Steps involving thinking of an idea,Thinking of an hypothesis, Creating an experiment to prove the hypothesis, and Analyzing your result. It all started during the scientific revolution where people instead of just talking and making up facts actually started conducting test to prove that they were right.
Proving that im right:
a scientific method that is well done and formulated may look something like this
Observation- Flowers grow when its sunny.
Analysis- Constant trips to the garden at home depot.
Hypothesis- If flowers had no sun I bet they wouldn't grow.
Test- Ill get a bunch of flowers and ill try to grow some in the sun and some in my closet.
Analyze- It seems that the flowers in the closet haven't peculiar.
Results- Yeah I was correct.

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